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Family Law Hybrid Mediation


What is hybrid mediation?

In short, the ‘hybrid mediation’ model allows a couple to try and reach an agreement in a legal environment.

How does hybrid mediation differ to traditional mediation?

The ‘hybrid mediation’ model differs from the traditional form of mediation as all parties involve their solicitors directly in the process. This provides each party with additional support and direct quick access to independent legal advice, as your lawyer will be with you during the mediation to offer support when required.

What can hybrid mediation be used for?

Hybrid mediation can be used to resolve a whole host of family law disputes such as financial remedy, children issues, international family law disputes and inheritance disputes, to name but a few.

What is the hybrid mediation process?

  1. The process usually begins with the mediator meeting with all parties individually to work out the issues in dispute.

  2. The mediator will then meet with the parties’ solicitors to agree a process that will work, and what information/documentation is needed to make sure that all runs smoothly.

  3. The subsequent mediation meetings can take place jointly, separately or as a combination of both.

The benefit meeting the mediator independently is that issues can be discussed without commitment or feeling pressured. Safeguarding is extremely important in Family Law, and this enables parties to feel empowered and supported knowing their solicitor is by their side!

The role of the solicitor is to support their client and give independent legal advice. At all times, the mediator remains in control of the process and discussions take place between the parties themselves. If a mediated settlement is reached, then your lawyer will be on hand to give instant advice on the settlement agreement and draft the outcome documents.

What are the benefits of hybrid mediation?

  • Hybrid mediation is extremely cost effective and time efficient - each party generally pays half the cost, but this can be varied depending upon the financial strengths of each party.

  • Each party is responsible for their own solicitor’s costs.

  • Having a lawyer directly involved, reduces the need for time consuming correspondence between solicitors, there is no need pause the mediation for parties to obtain independent legal advice and there is less duplication of effort when solicitors are directly involved.

If you would like to discuss Hybrid Mediation in more detail, please do not hesitate to get in contact. We can help you find a mediator trained in the hybrid model and guide you through the entire process.